Welcome to trolleybus 11's web site.
11 is one of 20 vehicles build between 1987 and 1988 by Van Hool to be
used on line 3 in Ghent. Besides the original prototype, these 20 vehicles
were the very first "commercial" trolleys ever build by Van
This model is an AG280T (body AG280)
on a frame AG280/3. The vehicle has four doors and can carry 138 passengers
with 46 seated. The complete technical informations can be downloaded
"Trolleybus 11" is a part
of a global project aiming at the preservation of 2 trolleys used in Ghent
between 1989 and 2009. From the original 20 which were build, 18 were
still in use at the end of their commercial life. 15 were sold in Bulgaria
(used from 2010 until 2012). Trolleybus 11 is one of the two preserved
vehicles ( a third one is also preserved as a reserve but not intended to be restaured).
Trolleybus 11 is maintained in running conditions thanks to
the help of De Lijn (the public transport company in Ghent), the STA (Stichting Trolleymaterieel Arnhem) and META (the preservation arm of
De Lijn). It was possible, in 2011, to organise a ride with trolleys 08
and 11 in Ghent for trolleybus fans. In 2012, trolleybus 11 took part
in the jubilee in Solingen celebrating 60 years of trolleybus in this
German city.
From 2012 until 2017, trolleybus 11 stayed in Solingen (Germany). At the end of May 2017, it was transfered to Arnhem (The Netherlands) which will be now it's new base. In the next pages,
you will see pictures and videos shot during the new second life of Trolleybus
You can contact
trolleybus 11 team by clicking on this link |